




I ______(名字) take thee (或 you) ______(名字) 
to be my wedded wife (或 husband),
to have and to hold 
from this day forward, 
for better for worse, 
for richer for poorer, 
in sickness and in health, 
to love and to cherish, 
till death us do part,

according to God's holy ordinance; 
and thereto I plight thee my troth.

With this hand, I will lift your sorrows,
your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine,
with this candle, I will light your way in darkness,
with this ring, I ask you to be mine.




We are gathered at this place to witness the formal joining in the legal state of matrimony of this man and this woman, according to the order and the custom prevailing, and under the authority given and provided by the Province of British Columbia.

The state of matrimony, as understood by us, is a state ennobled and enriched by a long and honourable tradition of devotion, set in the basis of the law of the land, assuring each participant an equality before the law, and supporting the common rights of each party to the marriage.

There is assumed to be a desire for a life-long companionship, and a generous sharing of the help and comfort that husband and wife ought to have from each other, through whatever circumstances of sickness or health, joy or sorrow, prosperity or adversity, the lives of these parties may experience.

Marriage is therefore not to be entered upon thoughtlessly or irresponsibly, but with a due and serious understanding and appreciation of the ends for which it is undertaken, and of the material, intellectual and emotional factors which will govern its fulfillment. It is by its nature a state or giving rather than taking, of offering rather than receiving, for marriage requires the giving of one's self to support the marriage and the home in which it may flourish.

It is into this high and serious state that these two persons desire to unite.


If any person can show just and sufficient reason why these two persons may not be joined together in matrimony, let them now declare their reasons, or else from this time forward, keep their peace.

I charge and require of you both in the presence of these witnesses, that if either of you know of any legal impediment to this marriage, you do now reveal the same.

Let the groom repeat after me:

I solemnly declare that I do not know of any lawful impediment why I, ………, may not be joined in matrimony to ………

Let the bride repeat after me:

I solemnly declare that I do not know of any lawful impediment why I, ………, may not be joined in matrimony to ………

There having been no reason given why this couple may not be married, I ask you to give to these questions:

Do you ……… (groom) Undertake to afford to this woman the love of your person, the comfort of your companionship, and the patience of your understanding; and to share with her equally of the necessities of life as they may be earned or enjoyed by you; to respect the dignity of her person, her own inalienable personal rights, and to recognize the right to counsel and consultation upon all matters relating to the present or the future of the household established by this marriage?

Answer: I do

Do you ……… (bride) Undertake to afford to this man the love of your person, the comfort of your companionship, and the patience of your understanding; and to share with him equally of the necessities of life as they may be earned or enjoyed by you; to respect the dignity of his person, his own inalienable personal rights, and to recognize the right to counsel and consultation upon all matters relating to the present or the future of the household established by this marriage?

Answer: I do

The Marriage Vows

Let the Groom and Bride join their right hands and let the groom repeat after me:

I call on those present to witness that I, ……… (groom) take ……… (bride) to be my lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, in whatever circumstance or experience life may hold for us.

Let the bride repeat after me:

I call on those present to witness that I, ……… (bride) take ……… (groom) to be my lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, in whatever circumstance or experience life may hold for us.

The Rings

Inasmuch as you have made this declaration of your vows concerning one another, and have set this (these) ring (rings) before me, I ask that now this ring (these rings) be used and regarded as a seal and a confirmation and acceptance of the vows you have made.

Let the groom place the ring on the third finger of the bride's left hand, repeating after me:

With this ring, as the token and pledge of the vow and covenant of my word, I call upon those persons present to witness that I, ……… do take thee, ………to be my lawful wedded wife.

Let the bride say after me:

In receiving this ring, being the token and pledge of the covenant of your word, I call upon those persons present to witness that I, ……… do take thee, ……….to be my lawful wedded husband.

If a second ring is presented, let the bride place the ring on the third finger of the man's left hand, repeating after me:

With this ring I promise and give to you the truth and faithfulness of my life in marriage.

Let the man reply:

In receiving this ring I promise and give to you the truth and faithfulness of my life in marriage.

The Declaration

And now, forasmuch as you ……… (groom) and ……… (bride) have consented in legal wedlock, and have declared your solemn intention in this company, before these witnesses, and in my presence, and have exchanged this (these) ring (rings) as the pledge of your vows to each other; now upon the authority vested in me by the Province of British Columbia, I pronounce you "husband"and"wife".

May you enjoy length of days, fulfillment of hopes and peace and contentment of mind as you day by day live and fulfill the terms of this covenant you have made with one another.


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